Services for Organisations

TrainingGateway offers a broad range of tailored services to organisations. Details are shown below on the following pages.

These include:

Outplacement Services
Career Management
Outsourced Training Management
Recruitment and HR
Personality and Ability Assessment

Whatever the project or assignment our work is always tailored to your organisation and the initial step is to meet you at your offices.

For Outplacement work we are usually called in following an organisational restructure, merger or acquisition. Our first contact is usually with the company CEO or Managing Director.

We also work with those employees who have been left behind following a redundancy programme. For more information on this see our Career Management section.

We provide a full Outsourced Training Management service to SME organisations who do not have a formal Training function but who need to manage training and development activity at all levels.

We work with organisations and with candidates to help them secure the best people. Our Recruitment service does not stop there. We help people integrate the new starter into the company so that he / she can make an immediate impact to the business. We also provide outsourced HR support for SME organisations where you do not have an HR function but want to maintain your people policies and practices in line with current employment legislation whilst ensuring “best practice” in the way that you manage your people.

Our team are trained and registered to use the following Psychometric Assessment tools. These cover a range of Personality and Ability Assessment instruments.


Get in touch


Enter your details and a career coach will be in touch soon after. Please be specific giving as much information as possible on where you require help and your timescale.

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