Outsourced Training Management

We provide a full outsourced Training Management service to SME organisations who do not have a formal Training function but who need to manage training and development activity at all levels.

Managing and organising Training takes time and costs money. Some of the issues that organisations are finding include:

  • How can we meet our industry or regulatory training requirements quickly and cost effectively?
  • How can we reduce time spent on organising training and cut down administration costs?
  • How can I select the right course at the right price?
  • What can we do to reduce our overhead training costs or keep them to a minimum?
  • Where can we get help to focus our training on supporting business objectives?
  • How can I be sure that any training I organise is properly evaluated?
  • How can we improve the way our professional staff and fee-earners organise and record their CPD?

Our experience shows that these issues present management and those charged with organising, booking and administering training many hours of time with little return but all the complaints if anything goes wrong. Added to this is the time taken to reschedule a training course cancelled or postponed at short notice and appease a manager. Cancellation charges prove costly. Badly organised Training undermines credibility and professionalism. Wrongly identified training impacts on the bottom line.

Gateway will address these issues, takes away the administration and “hassle” from all phases of the training process and lets you manage your business. When you buy Gateway we will provide a complete training service underpinned by a quality control agreement to cover the two essential phases:

1) Strategic Review and Consultation and
2) Implementation and Administration.  

We will:

  • Conduct a strategic review of your training needs.
  • Interview your staff provide a full training needs analysis.
  • Produce a Training plan which is linked to your business strategy.
  • Implement the Training plan.
  • Deliver a complete Training Management / Administration service.
  • Provide guidance on the selection of training programmes.
  • Act as a Training broker to obtain the best quality training at the right prices.
  • Maintain your Training records.
  • Provide a full review and evaluation of all the training in the plan.
  • Action and manage a quality service throughout all phases using the appropriate Gateway consultant
  • Keep you informed but not involved

If these issues strike a real chord or highlight a need in your organisation, please call to arrange an exploratory meeting at which we can explain in detail how Gateway can help you provide that essential “training bridge”.


Get in touch


Enter your details and a career coach will be in touch soon after. Please be specific giving as much information as possible on where you require help and your timescale.

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