20 Career Tips That No One Will Tell You About


You possibly have already heard a lot of career tips and advice from various sources.

Some are spot on, some might just be true to certain jobs but don’t really apply to the industry you’re in.

So here you give you 20 career tips that most probably no one will tell you about:

1. Your qualifications are not all that matter

Of course your qualifications matter and are important for your career, but they’re not all that matters.

Employers want to know about what you actually do or have done in your job(s) and what exactly are your achievements.

So, don’t think that a long list of degrees and diplomas will guarantee you a better job than someone less qualified.

2. Contribute instead of compete

A work environment is not a sports field where you’re contantly concerned about standing out and doing better than your co-workers.

Instead, focus on how you can contribute and cooperate effectively and have a good relationship with your peers. You will still be noticed but for all the right reasons.

3. Instead of being better, be different

This comes along the previous career tip.

We’re all unique and have different skills. So focus on using them to help instead of focusing on being better than someone else.

4. Look at the hidden job market

Around 86% of jobs are not advertised and you can only know about them through networking.

So, if you’re job searching, don’t just focus on job ads and recruiters, look forward to other ways of tapping into the hidden job market.

5. Be honest

Trust and reputation are two of the most important things in your career and it will go with you no matter how many times you change jobs.

Don’t be affraid of your mistakes and don’t lie about them. Show you’re mature enough to be honest, learn and move on.

6. Don’t work expecting other’s approval

Everyone likes to praised, but don’t work with that goal in mind.

Do your best so you feel you have done a good job and it is rewarding for yourself.

7. Don’t overwork

It’s easy to overwork when you’re passionate about what you do.

But you need a work-life balance and to recharge. If you don’t, the quality of your work will start to decrease. Take care of yourself in the first place.

8. If you want to take your career further, look at the small things

If you’re looking for a promotion or want to apply for a higher level job, don’t just focus on doing “big things” to get noticed.

Take care of the small things too. Sometimes they’re most noticeable and if you show you can take care of the small things with excellence then you will accomplish the big things with success.

9. Get yourself a good career coach

Career counselling is one of the best things you can do for your career.

It is an investment for the rest of your life, helping you understand how to improve your current career or make a total career change into something that is more in tune with who you are and your skills.

10. Seek new ways to learn

Degrees and diplomas are great, but look for other ways you can also learn more.

Online courses, watching video tutorials, reading eBooks, going to conferences, etc. There are thousands of ways to learn more nowadays, take advantage of that.

11. Choose carefully who to work for

Be careful enough to research the company you wish to work for or made you a job offer.

Make sure you ask them important questions, talk with current or former employees, research for the company on Google, read their website, etc.

You want to be sure you’re going to work for a company that matches who you are, your values and career aspirations.

12. Network

Even if you love the company you work for, make sure you go to business events, to conferences, join Linkedin groups, etc, and meet other people from your industry.

Networking and making good business contacts can be very important. You never know where new opportunities come from, so stay open.

13. Get yourself ready for a promotion

Once you get a promotion, your relationship with your co-workers will change.

Maybe you’re even going to be their manager or director from now on. So, if you feel you lack leadership skills or don’t know what to do, make sure you get yourself ready by attending related courses or by asking advice from someone well experienced.

14. Having doubts is not the end of your career

Even if you love your job, is completely normal to come a time when you question what you do and have doubts about it.

That might mean you’re on the verge of a major career change, but it can also mean you simply need to shift focus and get yourself motivated again, by attending a new course, learn new skills, or search for a new company to work for.

15. Ask questions!

Don’t be affraid to ask questions , especially when you’re on a new job.

You won’t be seen as unprofessional, on the contrary, you’ll be seen as someone interested and proactive!

16. Be kind to everyone

Always make sure you be kind to everyone inside a company, from the recepcionist to the business owner.

17. Don’t complain about your job on social media

It doesn’t matter how you feel about your current job, don’t ever go and vent on Facebook or Twitter.

It can backfire on you and it won’t be pretty.

17. Give praise to your co-workers

Especially if they did something better than you.

Sometimes leaving your ego aside it’s a great way to build allies and strong relationships that will help your career in the long run.

18. Ask your boss what their expectations are from your work

This is important for two reasons: you learn how they think and you know what to expect from them, not just what they expect from you.

And it also helps your relationship with them by showing you care enough to ask.

19. Get social

Don’t just talk with your co-workers about work. Have lunch or a coffee break with them or go to the pub after work for drinks (at least sometimes).

Get to know who they are as a person, not just as a co-worker. This strenghtens your work relationships and makes the daily life at the office more easy too.

20. Ask for reccomendations and testimonials

If you develop good work relationships and are seen as a good professional, it is easy to ask people for recommendations on Linkedin or elsewhere.

These recommendations will go with you no matter where you work and can make a whole difference to your career and reputation.

We do hope these tips can really help you and make a difference to your career. You might also like these articles:

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