How high is your confidence in tackling the job market?


Talking to one of my colleagues recently he shared my thought about confidence. I find that many people I coach have a very low level of confidence when we first start working together.

Take the case of Miss M. She is an intelligent, hard working girl working in a corporate job who dearly wished to study, practice and teach something very dear to her heart – yoga

The problem: lack of confidence in her ability or more precisely, lack of knowledge of how to go about it.

The solution:

1. Find out what she needed to do to learn more about it and particularly to teach it.

2. Talk to people who had already done exactly that.

3. Teach her how to set up a business and attract clients using free traffic driving methods on the internet.

4. Talk to people in complementary disciplines who she could joint venture with when she had set up her own business, such as health clubs, masseurs, haidressers etc

I didn’t need to do any more coaching as her realisation that she COULD do it, sparked her self confidence to such an extent that she is now flying.

The lesson: confidence is created by using knowledge to conquer fear of the unknown.

Please contact us at should you require any more information.

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