Interview Help

Need Help With an Interview?

Interview help image courtesy of Kriss Szkurlatowski, RGBStock.comAt Gateway Career Management, we can ensure that you are fully prepared for that all important interview. We know that the right preparation can make all the difference – especially when there may be high competition, during a recession.

Our experienced staff can guide and advise you so that you have the very best chance to take the next step in your career. You may have already done your research and know all about the organisation and the person or people who are going to interview you.  Often, it’s those more obvious, open-ended questions that you wish you’d prepared for, such as ‘tell me about yourself’ or those tricky ones such as ‘what are your weaknesses’ or ‘tell us about a time you felt overwhelmed by a challenge in your work’.

There is a balance to be achieved however, between giving confident, knowledgeable responses and giving the impression that you’ve spent the night cramming for an exam. Your future employers will want to know that you’re not all talk and no action – unless your role purely involves talking.

They may also be keen to know how you cope in a crisis, for instance, if you have had to come prepared with a computer-aided presentation, have you planned for how you might continue if the equipment fails you. There are ways of turning this to your advantage, so that it becomes a positive, rather than a problem.

Of course, it’s not just about what you say, but about how you say it; your body language needs to support this. Our experts can guide you in the best approaches for interview, to suit your individual needs and circumstances.

Find out more by reading the free Gateway Guide to Interviews.

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