Interview Question: Tell me About Yourself

It’s a common question in a job interview: So, please tell me about yourself

Image courtesy of Sigurd Decroos, It may be asked at the start or the end of an interview – sometimes to help put candidates at ease – but it is a common question and anyone attending a job interview should prepare the answer.

Build up an answer as described below and you’ll have a response that tells an interviewer about yourself – the right way!

Part 1: Introduction

This is your elevator pitch – summarising who you are and why you applied for the job. A great opportunity to leave a good impression. Keep it short, 30 seconds or so will do.

Part 2: Personality Traits

Choose three personality traits that describe you and that most interviewers are looking for – find a way to state them in a concise way.

Part 3: Special Skills and Education

Describe any education, training or skills relevant to the job. Keep it short and keep it relevant to the job. Keep it relevant to the job – no cycling proficiency tests for a trainee accountant job.

Part 4: Recent Experience and Goals

Finally, describe recent work experience as well as career goals and use this as an opportunity to end with a question about the company or a clear statement of why you think you’re the right person for the job. ‘Is there anything else you’d like to know?’ is also a good end.

Your answer doesn’t have to be long and should be kept to a few sentences for each part. It shouldn’t be more than a few minutes altogether. Monitor the interviewer’s reaction; if he or she responds with interest, you can expand a bit upon your point, and if they seem bored, quickly move on to the next part.

This question doesn’t have to be the most dreaded. Now you know how to use the opportunity it provides wisely, but if you’d like more help answering this question, then Gateway provide interview coaching.

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