Linked In and Networking for Job Search

Your network is critical to successful job search and Linked In allows you to reconnect with and build a network.

LinkedInLinkedIn takes the hard work out of keeping your network contact details up to date (you don’t need to keep all those old business cards with scribbled on new details). LinkedIn also lets you know what your contacts are up to (when they take a new job, when they set up a new business).

LinkedIn is not about uploading photographs of your holidays or giving out personal information. It allows you to keep track of your professional contacts – colleagues you used to work with, people you used to do business with – and to build new relationships – with people in the same organisation or the same industry or the same town.

If you’re job hunting developing your linkedIn profile and skills can be a key part of your job search strategy.

If you don’t know where to start with LinkedIn – or if you do understand LinkedIn but don’t know how to use it find the hidden job market, then call Gateway today. We can help you get more from LinkedIn. 0845 45 900 35

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