As we’re all still waiting to find out what exact changes will take place post Brexit regarding jobs in the city of London, a lot of speculation goes around.
From LSE’s boss saying that the London financial hub could lose more than 200,000 jobs or HSBC’s chairman reiterating that the bank can shift activity to the continent if the UK loses passporting rights, every city worker starts thinking if they should do something now to get ahead of the game.
So, instead of waiting in fear of the unknown, you can and should focus on what you have now.
I do believe that everything has a silver lining and this can actually be a good time to re-evaluate your career as a whole.
Here are a few things you may want to consider:
- Decide what motivates you beyond money
Don’t get me wrong, money is great. But, what is not so great is spending an entire life doing something you don’t enjoy just for the paycheck.
If this has been the case for you, it might be a good opportunity to actually consider moving into a new career or job where you can have both the money and the feeling of fulfillment – even if that means having less money in the beginning, learning new skills or take a few courses.
This can be the time you’ve been waiting to take the plunge into combining your passion and your work.
- Look at self-employment or starting your own business
You might even take this time to consider starting your own business, as a freelance or building your own company.
If you always have had an “entrepreneurial spirit” but have been postponing it, this might be the right time to seriously consider it.
In the midst of a bigger change like Brexit, there are always great opportunities too, as the needs of the society as a whole change.
Emerging start-ups that think things ahead, might have a great advantage and capitalise on this, together with doing something for yourself that fulfills you.
You might think about starting your own relocation company, or a financial advice business to people leaving or entering the country.
You might even want to start your own business in something not related with Brexit at all, but something you always dreamed of.
Now is the time.
- Know what transferable skills you have and where to use them
We all have transferable skills.
It might be the case that you speak 3 languages, or know how to use Java.
Even if you don’t use those skills on a daily basis in your current job, they’re with you and can be transferable into a new career or job.
For example, if you have great numerical skills, you can move to become a Maths teacher.
So, when you think about a change of careers, job, or even a change in the country you live in, you need to consider the whole of your skills, not just the ones you use at the current job.
And, this also might be a great opportunity to learn new skills like taking some courses on something specific that will make your CV looking much better ahead of the changes coming with Brexit.
- Get the best advice
If you’re a city worker and are feeling unsure and even a bit anxious about your career, it is always good to get the best advice possible.
At Gateway Careers we have years of experience with London city workers and have helped many with their careers.
We’re also offering a free meeting with one of our consultants where you can talk confidentially and get the help and advice you need to feel more secure in facing the changes ahead.
Over to You
Contact us now on 0800 043 9115 or email for a free, no obligation, one hour career consultation with a Gateway consultant.