Redundancy Help

help image courtesy of enrico maria, RGBStock.comIf you have been made redundant, it doesn’t matter whether you wanted it to happen or not, you will need to make adjustments. Your redundancy could be your greatest opportunity.

We understand. We’ve helped people who are about to be made redundant, people who have been redundant for a while and people who may be facing redundancy too. We know it’s not easy to look at it as an opportunity –and we know that even if you do see it as an opportunity  it can still be difficult to turn that into something that’s right for you.

We’ve designed a series of resources to help you transform your redundancy into your greatest opportunity. Tip sheets, webinars, workshops, even a one-to-one coaching programme.

If you’re facing redundancy or you know someone who is, then complete the Gateway enquiry form and take the first step to ‘transform redundancy into opportunity.

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